Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Communication in 20 years

Communication has changed a lot in past 20 years. It has had a drastic change over the years. Technology has improved, and some advantages have formed as well as disadvantages. The advantages of communication which is mainly surrounded by technology are a faster way to receive messages, convenient ways, it allows people to express themselves in different ways, you can communicate through text, im, internet, email, facebook, etc. The disadvantages are people are lacking communication skills now because of the technology. Everyone has gotten so use to texting and other forms of communication that talking on the phone and in person has become harder for some people. How people communicate has an effect on how they'll survive in the real world. If someone has bad communication skills, its not going to be a good thing when it comes time for job interviews, running a business and more. Those that have good communication skills on the other had get along with almost anybody, are social, have an advance when it comes to job interviews and businesses and can be a people person.

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