Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Environmental Problem

The environment is something that should be very important to all of us. We have to live in it and we should take care if it. Not only is the pollution in the air an environmental problem but the loitering is also. Loitering not only makes the environment look bad, but it also affects the animals, sea creatures and makes it okay for everybody else to loiter. Since we live in the environment, I think it should be treated like our home regardless if we live outside or not, everyone lives in the environment. When visitors, tourist or anyone come to a certain area in the environment we should want them to remember that area as being clean. Animals often mistake trash for food and get sick after eating it. When it rains, trash gets into the gutter which leads to the ocean. Once the trash reaches the ocean fish and other sea creatures mistake it for food and probably end up dying. Some fish even get tangled in the plastic ida rings and it cuts them in half, which is a painful death of course. If I was a sea creature I would never want to get put in a situation like that. The animals and sea creatures don't deserve to be hurt like that. Loitering also makes it okay for everyone else to do it, which increases the population of trash on the streets. I think we should treat the environment with more respect and as if it were our own home, which it is. Without the environment, we wouldn't be able to live.

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