Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Teenage Smoking

Teenage smoking is a big problem in our society today. Teenage smoking comes from different things such as family problems, stress, to fit in, and the main cause, peer pressure. Peer pressure influences people to do alot of different things. Unfortunately, drugs are an easy thing to obtain and teenagers have easy access to them through themselves or other people. Teenagers turn to smoking because they think smokeing will relieve stress and /or make them feel calm. They could be having problems, problems at school or problems in a relationship and turn to smoking as a relaxer. Other teenagers smoke to make themselves look cool or fit in, while others are just pressured by their friends to do it. Some teenagers even do it because they like the feeling of being high. I think the main cause is peer pressure because after they see all their friends doing it they're going to want to do it too. "Monkey see, monkey do." The causes resulting from teenage smoking include, early addiction, killing off brain cells and worsening the lungs. Eraly addiction could go on into adulthood and effect the life of that person, depending on the addiction level and if its severe or not.

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